Receive the latest news and updates about Thyroid Eye Disease (TED).
TED is a serious autoimmune disease with heterogenous presentation among patients.1 Early TED signs and symptoms may present like dry eye disease, allergies, or conjunctivitis.2-4 Use the tool below to explore TED signs and symptoms, see the impact TED can have on daily activities, and view questions to help initiate conversation with your patients.
Review and select the signs and symptoms your patient may be experiencing to create a personalized sheet. Use this sheet to navigate TED identification conversations with your patient.
The images provided above are for illustration purposes only. The severity of the signs or symptoms may differ for each patient. It is important to ask your patients if they have had or are currently experiencing any of these TED symptoms and how they may be impacting your patients’ emotional well-being, daily activities, and overall quality of life.
IGF-1R, insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; TSHR, thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor; T2, transverse relaxation time.
See the changes occurring behind the eye before visual signs appear
Review and select the signs and symptoms your patient may be experiencing to create a personalized sheet. Use this sheet to navigate TED identification conversations with your patient.